Drew is originally from Mississippi, but he wants everyone to know he got to Texas as quickly as he could. After competing his B.A. in Christian Studies at Mississippi College, he came to Baylor’s Truett Seminary, where, in addition to earning a Master of Divinity, he met Emily. (They’re both from the same hometown but first met at Truett!) They’ve been married since July 2007 and have five children: Evangeline, Trey, Annabelle, Emma Faith, and Collin. The Dabbs family has been with us here at FBC since June 1, 2015. In their second year here, God provided Drew with the opportunity to pursue a Doctorate of Ministry at Truett, which he completed in August 2019.
People often ask him, “What should we call you: Brother, Reverend, Pastor, Doctor?” He always says, “Just call me Drew,” and he means it. He’s a pretty down-to-earth kind of guy, who loves the Lord, his family, his church, and the whole Hamilton community.
Reflecting on his time in Hamilton, Drew says this: “I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that God made me for this and called me to this. I love living here and raising my children here. I love this place and these people. I love getting to be a friend and pastor, not just to the people in our church, but to people all around Hamilton.”

Youth Minister
Andrew is a student at Truett Seminary, where he is working on his Master of Divinity. He graduated from Baylor University in 2022 with a degree in Finance and Religion. Andrew loves working with youth and helping them grow and mature in their faith. When he isn't studying or doing youth-related stuff, Andrew loves watching sports, working on puzzles, and hanging out with friends.

Christie is a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music (NCTM) and is currently studying at Baylor University for a Master of Music in Piano Pedagogy and Performance, where she graduated in May of 2023 with a Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance. She has accompanied many vocalists, instrumentalists, and choirs, played in worship bands, and has experience judging all-star piano students, presenting, and performing in ensembles and competitions at Texas Music Teachers Association (TMTA) convention, and teaching piano to students of all ages in private and group class instruction settings.

Finance Manager
Nan was raised in Hamilton, TX. After graduating from Hamilton High, she attended Tarleton State University, Stephenville, TX in August 1972 and graduated with a B.S. degree in Business. She lived in Waco for one year before moving to Lubbock, TX. Her career with Better Business Bureau of the South Plains started in August 1973 where she worked in every position and became President and Chief Executive Officer in 1991. She retired in December 2011 and moved back to Hamilton in May 2012. First Baptist Church of Hamilton was where she grew up and made a profession of faith and was baptized by Douglas Brown in July 1964. Nan works from her home where she is always accompanied by her “daughter dogs” Foxxie and Gigi.

Office Manager
Born in Hico, Texas, Karla is a graduate of Hamilton High School. She attended Texas A&M as a History major until her senior year, but subsequently graduated from North Texas State with a BS in Computer Science. Karla retired after 20+ years working as a programmer, database administrator and system architect . Karla is married to Steve, a rancher, farrier and horse trainer. For the last 30 years they have raised Percheron Draft Horses.