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Encourage One Another…

Two Sundays ago, that was the topic of my message. Those words are found in 1 Thessalonians 5:11, which says, “Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” Why am I saying this again? Didn’t I just say this Sunday? I’m saying it because it’s a message we all need to hear over and over, myself included. There’s so much negativity in the world right now. Everyone is frazzled. People are on edge. We’re all getting a little snippy with folks more easily than we used to do. Between COVID, the election, and the social/civil unrest, people are stressed, and people are down. What we don’t need is more discouragement. So, try extra hard to hold your tongue, when you want to say something critical

or mean. What we do need is more encouragement. So, try extra hard to find something gracious and kind to say or do, and then say or do it. Remember: discouragement tears people down, but encouragement builds people up.

Right now, one of the most encouraging things we can do for our church family is show up on Sunday mornings. Some folks aren’t quite ready to come back inside the sanctuary for worship. I completely understand. You do what you feel led to do in order to keep yourself and your family safe and healthy...

...We understand, which is why we’re taking extra measures to ensure that we have a high quality livestream of the service. (Speaking of that, we finally have all the kinks worked out and should have everything at 100% this coming Sunday.) Those exceptions aside, many of us have simply “gotten out of the habit” of getting up, getting dressed, and getting to church. (Trust me, I know how hard it is; I have four young children.) Jim Rohn once said. “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way; if you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” Now that we’re meeting in-person again, make the most of the opportunity to reconnect with your church family, make worship a priority in your life, and re-establish the habit of getting up, getting dressed, and getting to church. Is it hard? Yes. Is it worth it? Absolutely!

I love you all,

Pastor Drew

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