Everyone loves the feeling of doing a good deed and giving to charity. At First Baptist Church, we make it easy for you to show your support and donate through our online giving. Your gift will keep our ministries going.

There’s no better way to feel the spirit of the Lord than through giving to First Baptist Church of Hamilton, Texas. Your beautiful gift will enhance your experience with the Divine as you put your faith to work allowing your gift to the body of Christ to bring light to the church and community beyond. You'll be glad you did.

Make a difference for the future generation.
Every day women and men allover our nation are faced with unplanned pregnancy. It is then that they have an exceedingly important choice to make: whether or not to see the pregnancy through, and act upon the truth that life is a gift! At our center we provide services to those facing unplanned pregnancies in order the they might feel thoroughly supported and encouraged to choose life for their baby.
We are challenging you to fill them with more than just your spare change. Every time you add money to the is little bottle say a prayer for our volunteers, staff and clients. Ask God how he would have you be a part of our ministry.
Can you spend time volunteering? Can you provide a service or goods that we need?
How much will be in your bottle?
$20 keeps the phone lines open for one frightened caller
$40 provides a pregnancy test and counseling for one client
$175 ensures our doors are open for one day
$500 provides abstinence education to 50 students
Will you partner with us in this simple way to save live? Pick up a bottle or make a donation online today.

Texas Hunger Offering for 5th Sunday Month. The Goal for the month of April is $500. You can take one our Texas shaped banks for change home with you and bring it back full on the April 29th or you can make a donation using the donation boxes. A special offering will be taken up on Mother’s day.